Square Root Estimate of 52

I am showing how to find he square root of 52. First you have to find the two perfect squares that are close to 52. The two perfect squares are 49 and 64. 7*7=49 and 8*8=64. Next yo would find the middle of 7 and 8 and add it to your lower number. For example 7.5+49=56.5. Then you would see if 52 is closer to 49 or 64. It is closer to 49 so it would be in the range of 7.1 ,7.2 ,7.3 ,7.4 not 7.5 ,7.6 ,7.7 ,7.8, or 7.9. My estimate is 7.2 because it is in between to 49 and 56.5.

About Me

My name is Killian Davis, I play golf and run in track. I have played basketball, football, and baseball. My favorite colors are teal, turquoise, and lime green. My favorite food is funnel cake. When I grow up I want to be a game editor. I have two pets a leopard gecko and a cat.